Past Sharon Cheslow & Coterie Exchange shows/collaborations:
including Trebville Exchange and all other performances, events, screenings, installations, exhibits:
Sharon Cheslow (solo performance w/videos of September Son and While the City Sleeps), 12.16.05
Turn the Screws Festival, Il Corral, Los Angeles, CA - w/G.X. Jupitter-Larsen (video), Toxic Loincloth (video), 16 Bitch Pile-Up, Spastic Colon, Damion Romero, Kitten Sparkles, Roman Torment, Tralphaz, Jarrett Silberman, Goneness (w/Wanda Gala), Robedoor, Obstacle Corpse
Sharon Cheslow/Coterie Exchange (solo w/video of September Son and duo w/Liz Allbee), 10.11.05
Hemlock Tavern, San Francisco, CA - w/Liz Allbee (solo), BARR, Princess
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Liz Allbee+Weasel Walter), 10.09.05
Mama Buzz, Oakland, CA - w/Core of the Coal Man, Snowsuit*+Vice Cooler+Megaweapon
Sharon Cheslow (solo performance), 9.16.05
Il Corral, Los Angeles, CA - w/Albert Ortega+Maile Colbert, Wanda Gala+Bob Bellerue, Obstacle Corpse, Impregnable
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+David Scott Stone), 7.13.05
Il Corral, Los Angeles, CA - w/Rose for Bohdan, Polar Goldie Cats, Open City, Wives
Sharon Cheslow (solo performance), 6.17.05
The Smell, Los Angeles, CA - w/Love of Diagrams, My Little Red Toe, Reindeer Tiger Team, Silver Daggers
Coterie Exchange Spring 2005 East Coast tour
Sharon Cheslow collaborations w/Christina Carter, Kris Thompson, Bromp Treb (Neil Young of Fat Worm of Error):
6.4.05 Brooklyn, NY - Flight of the Buffalo
w/Trebville Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Bromp Treb), Metalux, Growing, Scarcity of Tanks (Matthew Wascovich+Kevin Shea+Brooke Gillespie), Dan Friel
6.3.05 Troy, NY - Wow Cool
w/Trebville Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Bromp Treb), Andrew Kesin's film what was it that you felt, Grey Skull, Duck (Matt Krefting+Jessi Swenson), Evolution Revolution
6.2.05 Cambridge, MA - Twisted Village
w/screenings of September Son & While the City Sleeps, Sharon Cheslow+Kris Thompson, Secret Diary (Donna Parker+Jessica Rylan)
5.31.05 Easthampton, MA - Flywheel
w/Sharon Cheslow+Christina Carter, Weird Weeds, Bromp Treb, Laudable Pus, BenGeorge7
5.30.05 Washington, DC - Black Cat
w/Sharon Cheslow solo, Hand Fed Babies, Sentai

Coterie Exchange 2004 West/East Coast Tours
Sharon Cheslow collaborations w/Yasi Perera (aka Yasi Perez), Murder Murder, Yellow Swans, Kris Thompson, Chuck Bettis, Eva Saelens (aka Inca Ore), Bromp Treb:
10.30.04 Oakland, CA - Ptomaine Temple
w/Murder Murder (Paul Costuros/Liz Allbee/Chris Dixon/Sharon Cheslow), Le Flange Du Mal, Sixes, Harry Merry, Seven Central and Mountain
8.24.04 Easthampton, MA - Flywheel
w/Bromp Cheslow Village Exchange (Bromp Treb+Sharon Cheslow), Crystal Cock Over Canada, Miss Kim (Raub Roy+Tim Sheldon)
8.19.04 Hadley, MA - Schoolhouse
w/Bromp Cheslow Village Exchange (Bromp Treb+Sharon Cheslow), screening of September Son, Movies with Live Soundtracks (featuring Mat Brinkman, Jo Dery, Xander M, Ben Coonley, Laura Rodriguez, Peter Glantz, Carrie Collier), Dr. Doo (Ben Jones), Lionheart Mirth, Noise Nomads, Dffneg
8.12.04 Northampton, MA - Grandstands
w/Sharon Cheslow solo, Misty, Evil Bill
6.1.04 Washington, DC - Warehouse Nextdoor
w/Sharon Cheslow solo, Sharon Cheslow+Yellow Swans, Yellow Swans, Et At It, Hits
5.31.04 Baltimore, MD - Tarantula Hill
w/Sharon Cheslow+Eva Saelens, Carly Ptak+Chuck Bettis, Yellow Swans, Et At It, Thunderberg/Natestorm (w/Max Demand)
5.30.04 Philadelphia, PA - Eli's Warehouse
w/Sharon Cheslow solo, Carly Ptak+Chuck Bettis, Yellow Swans, Et At It, Max Demand, Ohm, Robert
5.29.04 Brooklyn, NY - Aerosol Burns/Boogaloo
w/Sharon Cheslow+Yellow Swans, Glass Candy, Flesh
5.28.04 Brooklyn, NY - Roy's Loft
w/Sharon Cheslow solo, Sharon Cheslow+Chuck Bettis+Jerry Lim+Yellow Swans+Eva Inca Ore, Chuck Bettis+Jerry Lim, Yellow Swans, Japanther, Tyondai Braxton
5.27.04 NYC - Lit Lounge
w/Yellow Swans+Sharon Cheslow, USA Is A Monster, Plate Tectonics, Chen Santa-Maria
5.26.04 Providence, RI - AS220
w/Sharon Cheslow solo, Sharon Cheslow+Chuck Bettis+Yellow Swans, Chuck Bettis solo, Yellow Swans, Noise Nomads, Mildew
5.24.04 Boston, MA - H.O.S.S.
w/Sharon Cheslow+Kris Thompson, Chuck Bettis, Yellow Swans, Squids, Mildew, Karl Heinz+John Ruhe
5.23.04 Hadley, MA - Schoolhouse
w/Sharon Cheslow solo, Sharon Cheslow+Yellow Swans, Yellow Swans, Idea Fire Co., Yonk Yonk, Double Dream/Aktion Leopard Unit (Chris Corsano/Paul Flaherty/Thurston Moore/Jim O'Rourke/Double Leopards)
5.15.04 San Francisco - Hemlock Tavern
w/Murder Murder (Paul Costuros/Chris Dixon/Liz Allbee/Sharon Cheslow/Weasel Walter/Noel Harmonson), Burning Star Core, Open City
5.14.04 Portland, OR - Nocturnal
w/Sharon Cheslow+Yasi Perez, Yellow Swans, Nice Nice, Nudge, Super Unity, Noggin
5.13.04 Portland, OR - Dunes Series
w/Sharon Cheslow+Yasi Perez, Honey Owens+Adam Forkner, Zachary Reno+Peter Swanson, Doug Theriault+Bryan Eubanks
5.12.04 Seattle, WA - Drone Hill
w/Sharon Cheslow+Yasi Perez, Yellow Swans, Open City, Burning Star Core, Dead Science
Sharon Cheslow+Erin Weber+Dana Kline, 12.31.03
Pond Gallery, San Francisco, CA - w/Eats Tapes
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Alyssa Lee Wilmot) Duct Tape Piece II sound/movement performance, 12.7.03
Fluxus - An Evening of Doing, Acme Observatory/The Jazz House, Berkeley, CA - other Fluxus-inspired works included were by Judy Dunaway, Tom Duff, Bibiana Padilla, Gino Robair, Kunsu Shim/Kattt Sammon/Peggy DeCoursey, Tim Blue/A.L. Dentel
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+KIT), 11.30.03
Ptomaine Temple, Oakland, CA - w/Yellow Swans, Gang Wizard, Vholtz
Yellow Swans+Sharon Cheslow+Mike Donovan, 11.25.03
Mama Buzz, Oakland, CA - w/Murder Murder, Eats Tapes
Sharon Cheslow+Alyssa Lee Wilmot Fan Dance and Duct Tape Piece sound/movement performances, 10.30.03
Mischief group exhibit opening, Lola Gallery, San Francisco, CA - w/photography by Charles Gatewood, art by Karen Carlo Salinger, others
Sharon Cheslow/Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Katie Eastburn+audience) Fan Music: The Winds of Change interactive sound/movement performance, 8.16.03
Homemade Instrument Day: Playing with the Elements,
Lincoln Center Out of Doors, New York, NY - curated by Brenda Hutchinson, composers and artists included at the event included Bob Bielecki, Dylan Bolles, Krys Bobrowski, Julia Christensen, Brenda Hutchinson, Christopher Janney, Ned Khan, Miya Masaoka, Bruce Odland, Mary Tsiongas, Gail Wight, others
Tim Perkis+Sharon Cheslow, 6.3.03
Black Box, Oakland, CA - w/Moe!kestra!, Out By Five
Sharon Cheslow The Body Is A System 2 channel sound collage, 5.28.03
Sound Junction 2: Works for Peace, University of Sheffield, UK - also included were sound works by Francis Dhomont, Richard Bowers, Lucio Garau, James Mooney, David Ogborn, Steve Bird, Lisa Whistlecroft, Pete Kelly, Nikos Stavropoulos
Coterie Exchange I Love To You sound performance, 5.3.03
Sixth Annual Music for People and Thingamajigs Festival, "environmental sound works and guerrila noise interventions on and around the hills and streets in the center of San Francisco" curated by Jorge Boehringer - I Love To You took place in the Randall Museum parking lot and surrounding streets, it included a performance w/Sharon Cheslow+audience and a collaboration by Sharon Cheslow w/Golden Alligators' (Yasi Perera+Aaron Russell) Truck Music
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Tim Green+Alyssa Lee Wilmot), 3.27.03
Hemlock Tavern, San Francisco, CA - w/Wolf Eyes
Sharon Cheslow+Alyssa Lee Wilmot Fan Dance and Duct Tape Piece sound/movement performances, 12.6.02
Mills College, Oakland, CA - Fan Dance was choreographed/danced by Alyssa Lee Wilmot and also included dancers Rachael Dichter and Jezebel Lee, music was composed by Sharon Cheslow; Duct Tape Piece included music by Sharon Cheslow ("The Body is a System" and "Micro Mission") and movement by Alyssa Lee Wilmot
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Tim Perkis), 11.10.02
Rockland Festival, Heco's Palace, Oakland, CA
Sharon Cheslow+audience See Emily Play interactive electronic sound installation, 10.26.02
San Francisco Int'l Mechanical, Kinetic & Electronic Arts Festival, CELLspace, San Francisco, CA
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Alyssa Lee Wilmot+Satomi Matsuzaki), 10.17.02
Hemlock Tavern, San Francisco, CA - w/Deerhoof, Janet Pants Dans Theeatre
Coterie Exchange Fall 2002 Northwest Tour
Sharon Cheslow collaborations w/Miya Zane Osaki, Erin Weber, Dana Kline:
9.15.02 Vancouver, BC - Pat's Pub
w/Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Miya Zane Osaki+Erin Weber+Dana Kline), Mesh, Ink Brothers
9.14.02 Olympia, WA - Oly World News
w/Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Miya Zane Osaki), Mesh
9.13.02 Seattle, WA - Center on Contemporary Art
w/Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Miya Zane Osaki+Erin Weber+Dana Kline), Mesh, Electric Birds, Bill Horist/Mike Peterson duo, dj Randy Jones
9.12.02 Portland, OR - Fast Forward
w/Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Miya Zane Osaki), Mesh, D. Yellow Swans, Sleetmute-Nitemute
Sharon Cheslow/Coterie Exchange Sonic Triptych sound performance, 07.27.02,
Ladyfest Bay Area, Loose Limbs: Experiments in Motion, Sound, and Narrative, New College Theater, San Francisco, CA - produced by Sophie Lee and the Live Arts Committee, participants included: Blevin Blectum, Sharon Cheslow, Ellie Erickson, Jenny Hoysten, Marisa Meltzer, Miya Zane Osaki, Bianca Sparta, Erin Weber, Alyssa Lee Wilmot
Other performances at the event were by Jibz Cameron, Janet Pants Dans Theeatre, Sean Dorsey, Faye Driscoll, Monique Jenkinson, Machiko Saito, Sandy Rodriguez
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Jorge Boehringer+Steve Gigante), 6.16.02
The Gallery, San Jose, CA - w/Xiu Xiu, Tiny Bird Mouths, Ee, Good For Cows, Sweet Science
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Jorge Boehringer+Steve Gigante), 6.14.02
Jorge's warehouse, Oakland, CA - w/Brown Bunny Ensemble, Kristin Miltner+Kendra Juul, Seven Central and Mountain
Mauricio Kagel Prima Vista, graphic score co-conducted by Sharon Cheslow+Greg Saunier, 2.22.02
Sound Structures event, Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco CA - curated by Chiara Giovando and Corrina Peipon, performed by Chiara Giovando, Chris Cohen, Jamie Peterson, Trevor Shimizu, Jorge Boehringer, Liz Allbee, others
Sharon Cheslow Dream/Construct video, 2.13.22
Artists' Television Access Cable TV broadcast, San Francisco, CA
Sharon Cheslow audio tribute to Yoko Ono, 12.14.01-12.15.01
WZBC Yoko Ono Retrospective, Newton/Boston, MA
Curated and co-hosted by Tinuviel Sampson
Randy Nordschow's Somatic Lapse video/sound performance (Randy Nordschow+Sharon Cheslow+John Shiurba), 7.14.01
LifeLike series, New Langton Arts, San Francisco, CA - concept developed by Randy Nordschow with Sharon Cheslow, video produced by Kyle Knobel
Sharon Cheslow presentation on Documentation as Cultural Resistance, 7.14.01
2nd Annual SF Music Expo, CELLspace, San Francisco, CA
Tour Spiel: Photographs From The Road group photo exhibit, 10.16.00-1.7.01
Aquarius Records in-store event, San Francisco, CA - curated by Erik Auerbach, w/photographs by Erik Auerbach, Sharon Cheslow, Sean Meadows, Mark Ibold, James Kim, others
Sharon Cheslow+audience Lullabye From the Sky and Come Into My Room interactive electronic sound installations, 8.26.00
The Smell, Los Angeles, CA - w/Semiautomatic
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+Amy Yao+Wendy Yao) Geodessy For Guitars II (for Yasunao Tone) sound performance/installation, 8.4.00
Ladyfest, High Jinks group event/exhibit, K Warehouse, Olympia, WA - curated by Audrey Marrs, other artists included: Emily Ryan, Mariko Marrs, Becca Albee, Muffie White, Margaret Dougherty, Amy Yao, Margaret Kilgallen, Nikki Chapman, Jean Smith, Tina Herschelman, Gail O'Hara, Ellen Fitzgerald, Teva Harrison, Rachel Carns, Michelle Kline
Sharon Cheslow "Dan Graham and Chieko Shiomi" text piece, 6.9.00
Curated: Deterritorializing the Territorialized group curatorial exhibit, BaseKamp Gallery, Philadelphia, PA - other participants included Jonathan Binstock, Gerard Brown, Andrea Cooper, Dean Daderko, Roberta Fallon, Alicia Felton, Patricia Harris, Samantha Kavky, David Kessler, Nancy Lewis, Lisa Milandri, Kevin Melchionne, Susan Rosenberg, Libby Rosof, Sid Sachs, Amy Ingrid Schlegel, Gerald Silk, Owen F. Smith, Cheyney Thompson, Richard Watson, Ashley West, others
Randy Nordschow John Cage Memorial Barbeque and Transitoire music/sound performances, 4.29.00
Mills College Concert Hall, Oakland, CA - performed Randy Nordschow and The Guitars of Wrath: Jorge Boehringer, Sharon Cheslow, Fred Frith, Matt Hall, Dan Joseph
Sharon Cheslow+Jim Haynes Lullabye From the Sky interactive electronic sound installation, 4.6.00
Mills College Concert Hall, Oakland, CA
Composition/sound design/electronics by Sharon Cheslow unless where noted, boxes/sculptural elements by Jim Haynes: Box #1-"Thought Music", Box #2-"Location Music" (composition by Ben Piekut and Sharon Cheslow), Box #3-"Lullabye from the Sky" (with electronics assistance by Chris Brown), Box #4-"Music for Variable Frequencies" (with electronics assistance by Susan Bassein)
Coterie Exchange (Sharon Cheslow+John Dieterich) Geodessy For Guitars (for Yasunao Tone) sound performance, 3.9.00
Mills College Music Building, Oakland, CA - w/other compositions by Michael Carriera, Kristin Miltner, Randy Nordschow, Ben Piekut
Randy Nordschow Transitoire sound performance, 11.20.99
Radical Epiphanies series, The LAB, San Francisco, CA - performed by Sharon Cheslow, John Dieterich, Alex Potts, Greg Saunier, Edward Shocker
Sharon Cheslow+audience Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep interactive electronic sound installation & performance, 10.30.99
Phantasmagorie, Mills College Concert Hall Loft, Oakland, CA - with other compositions/events by Jorge Boehringer, John Dieterich+Ben Piekut, Wayne Grim, Alex Potts, Peter Swendsen
Sharon Cheslow Dream/Construct video, 10.99
International Dream Festival, Deep Listening Space Gallery, Kingston, NY
Curated by Ione
Sharon Cheslow+audience Come Up The Stairs interactive electronic sound installation, 9.30.99
Haus de Snaus, Tehama Alley Clit Stop, San Francisco, CA - w/Blectum From Blechdom, Kit Clayton, Alex Potts
Sharon Cheslow Dream/Construct interactive CD-ROM, 5.1.99
Luminaries group exhibit, Artists Theater Workshop, Oakland, CA - curated by David Kwan
Sharon Cheslow Dream/Construct video/sound performance, 4.26.99
Music That Is Music Is Music That Is Music group event, Mills College Ensemble Room, Oakland, CA - performed by Sharon Cheslow, Greg Saunier, Randy Nordschow, Daan Vandewalle, w/other compositions by Jim Brashear, Eli Crews, James Goode, Randy Nordschow, Greg Saunier, Daan Vandewalle
Banned In DC group photo exhibit, 1.1.99-1.31.99
continued from below, San Francisco, CA...
Banned In DC group photo exhibit, 12.1.98-12.31.98
Aquarius Records in-store event, San Francisco, CA - curated by Erik Auerbach, w/photographs by Sharon Cheslow, Cynthia Connolly, Glen E. Friedman, Jeff Nelson, Lucian Perkins, Susie Josephson, Jim Saah, Thomas Squip, Stuart Hill, Lloyd Wolf, and others
Assistant for Eliane Radigue's Labyrinthe Sonore "walking around concert" outside Mills College Music Building, 11.7.98
Mills College Center for Contemporary Music, Oakland, CA - performers included: Pauline Oliveros, David Abel, William Winant, Maggi Payne, J.D. Parran, Laetitia Sonami, Daan Vandewalle, John Ingle, Marco Eneidi, Erika Torchia, David Elinoff, Eli Crews, Wayne Grim, Bevin Kelley, Eric Glick Rieman, Dylan Bolles, Peter Valsamis, Randy Nordschow, Leigh Ann Gillespie, Mills Contemporary Performance Ensemble, Mills Advanced Vocal Ensemble, audience
Pink Rag (band with Mary O'Neil/Sharon Cheslow/Kurt Statham), 8.?.98
Cheryl Tyler's flat, San Francisco, CA
Terrafoto group photo exhibit, 4.17.98-4.19.98
Terrastock II Festival, San Francisco, CA - curated by Erik Auerbach, w/photographs by Erik Auerbach, Gail Butensky, Kim Campisano, Sharon Cheslow, Petrina Cooper, Maya Hayuk, Dianne Jones, Marty Perez, Charles Peterson, Nikki Pratchios, Cindy Ragin
1997-98 (w/Electrolettes)
4.15.98 Slims, San Francisco, CA - w/Donnas, American Heartbreak
3.28.98 Purple Onion, San Francisco, CA - w/Calculators, Ngueyns
3.6.98 Stanford University, Stanford, CA - w/Champs
2.14.98 Purple Onion, San Francisco, CA - w/Pants
2.05.98 Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco, CA - w/PeeChees
11.08.97 Purple Onion, San Francisco, CA - w/Sta-Prest, Andromeda Drift Experiment, Vita
10.30.97 Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco, CA - w/Dub Narcotic, Scenic Vermont
8.03.97 Tokyo Garden, Fresno, CA - w/Gashers, Jen Smith
Electrolettes Northwest tour w/Cha Cha Cabaret - curated by Miss Lady Hand Grenade (Jen Smith):
7.04.97 The Business, Anacortes, WA - w/Nikki McClure, 66% Chick, ICU, Khaela Marieich, Agnes and Hattie, Miss Lady Hand Grenade
7.03.97 Show Off Gallery, Bellingham, WA - w/ICU, Miranda July's Big Miss Moviola Project, Khaela Marieich, Diana Arens, Agnes and Hattie, Miss Lady Hand Grenade
7.02.97 Velvet Elvis, Seattle, WA - w/Dub Narcotic, DJ Neurotic, ICU, Diana Arens, Agnes and Hattie, Miss Lady Hand Grenade
7.01.97 Arrowspace, Olympia, WA - w/The Steaks (Emily's Sassy Lime project), DJ Neurotic, Lookers, Miranda July, Diana Arens, Agnes and Hattie, Miss Lady Hand Grenade
6.29.97 Cafe Paradiso, Portland, OR - w/Miranda July, Miss Murgatroid, Panties, Lookers, Miss Lady Hand Grenade, films by Emilia Smokebomb
6.28.97 Juanita's, Chico, CA - w/Cowboy, Daughters of Houdini, Cloaca, Miss Lady Hand Grenade
6.27.97 CELLspace, San Francisco, CA - w/Virginia Dare, Melissa & Hilary Klein, Marisa Meltzer & Skirts, Miranda July's Big Miss Moviola Project, Heart Revolution, Cloaca, Daughters of Houdini, Miss Lady Hand Grenade
6.26.97 3rd Street house in Santa Cruz, CA - w/Gashers, Melissa Klein, Marisa Meltzer, Cloaca, Daughters of Houdini, Miss Lady Hand Grenade
recent ...
Write to Sharon c/o Decomposition:
decomposition at mindspring.com