Blevin Blectum
Sharon Cheslow
Jenny Hoysten
Alyssa Lee
Bianca Sparta
Marisa Meltzer
Erin Weber
Miya Zane Osaki
Ellie Erickson
Ladyfest Bay Area, New College Theater
July 27, 2002
Sonic Triptych (2002)
mixed media
sound performance
Sonic Triptych I was a composition for nine individuals that used the formal element of a triptych to structure sonic portraits. One to three minute simultaneous performances by three groups were interwoven in three sets , with participants using any instruments or sound based actions of their choice as self representation. The composition allowed for freedom within certain parameters, as a means for facilitating participatory and collaborative action.
You can download a Sonic Triptych postcard from Pretty Panicks Press.
Sharon Cheslow-guitar, scissors, digital audio
Blevin Blectum-laptop
Jenny Hoysten-trumpet
Bianca Sparta-drums
Marisa Meltzer-voice, toy mic
Alyssa Lee Wilmot-body, electric fan, voice, plastic bags
Miya Zane Osaki-bass
Ellie Erickson-bass
Erin Weber-drum machine, electronics, voice
Click here for info about "Sonic Triptych II."