
Sharon Cheslow's "September Son" video was based on audio released in 2002 on the 5RC comp. If The 21st Century Didn't Exist...A longer, earlier version of the audio was released on Lullabye From the Sky by Sharon Cheslow & Coterie Exchange in 2002.

Music, images and sampled footage by Sharon Cheslow. Soundtrack performed by Sharon, Greg Saunier, John Dieterich and Tim Green.

"September Son" is a 4 minute video completed in 2003, and first released on a limited edition Decomposition DVD-R of video shorts for a Sharon Cheslow/Coterie Exchange tour in 2004. It was later included on Kill Rocks Stars Video Fanzine #3 DVD, released in 2005.

Click here for YouTube video or watch below.
Click here for audio version on If The 21st Century comp.

Sounding Out, CalArts Main Gallery
Valencia, CA
May 1, 2007

video was screened by itself

Kill Rock Stars Video Screening #2, Kult 41
Bonn, Germany
June 18, 2006

video was screened by itself

Turn the Screws Festival, Il Corral
Los Angeles, CA
Dec. 16, 2005

sound/video performance by Sharon Cheslow

Hemlock Tavern
San Francisco, CA
Oct. 11, 2005

sound/video performance by Sharon Cheslow

Twisted Village
Cambridge, MA
June 2, 2005

video was shown by itself, then followed by a separate performance by Sharon Cheslow + Kris Thompson

Movies With Live Soundtracks, The Schoolhouse
Hadley, MA
August 19, 2004

video was shown by itself, then followed by a separate performance by Sharon Cheslow + Bromp Treb
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