Additions to the Oct. 6th Sonic Triptych II (see below) lineup at Illuminated Corridor include: Elisa Ambrogio (Magik Markers), Jorge Boehringer, Sue Costabile, Maryclare Brzytwa.
The Tarantula Hill Benefit CD is out - it's titled Less Self is More Self. Order it now through Ecstatic Peace. Decomposition will have some copies soon.
The debut of acks (Steve Kim, Sharon Cheslow, Sam Meister) will take place at the Telic Arts Exchange September opening on Sept. 8th, 7-9pm. Telic will be constructing a public space/park installation with wall-to-wall grass in the gallery, sound and light. There will be a picnic hosted by Tom Leeser and performances by Dawn Kasper and Albert Ortega. (975 Chung King Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90012, 213.344.6137)
Sara Wintz has founded Pretty Panicks, a newly formed small-press that prints rock and roll compositions, articles, and artwork materials. The press' first large scale project will be a series of postcards, published monthly, that will feature rock compositions on the front sides and brief artists' statements (or bios) on the backs. The first postcard featuring Sonic Triptych will be distributed on Sept. 1st. If you would like to receive a copy, email your mailing address to: pretty.panicks@gmail.com.
Sonic Triptych II, a Sharon Cheslow/Coterie Exchange sound event for multiple, random sets of 3 performers will be included in Illuminated Corridor, "a collision of public art, live music and film" in Oakland, CA on Oct. 6th (25th St. btw Telegraph & Broadway). Sonic Triptych I was performed in 2002. Sonic Triptych II participants include, so far, XBXRX's Weasel Walter (Flying Luttenbachers), Vice Cooler (Hawnay Troof, Modern Reveries) and Steve Touchton (Snowsuit*, Warbler), as well as Alyssa Lee , Steve Kim (Silver Daggers), Sam Meister, Gowns'/Amps for Christ's Erika Anderson and Ezra Buchla (Mae Shi), Michael Carreira, Paul Costuros (Murder Murder, Death Sentence: Panda!, Total Shutdown), and KIT's George Chen (7 Year Rabbit Cycle, Vholtz, Chen Santa Maria) and Kristy Geschwandtner (Warbler, Lil Pocketknife).
Check out photos of Mirror/Dash at Vice Cooler's Birthday show in July at 21 Grand.
JUNE 2006
Two Sharon Cheslow video shorts, "September Son" and "Dream/Construct", will be screened at Kult 41 in Bonn, Germany along with other videos from the three Kill Rock Stars video anthologies: Video Fanzine #3 DVD, Video Fanzine #2 VHS, and Video Fanzine #1 VHS. There are two different screenings June 4th and June 18th. Contact 01749164045 (tel) or alva.dittrich@kult41.de for more info.