Please do something to help those in New Orleans. If you can afford it, you can make a donation to Red Cross online. In the summer of 1989 I took a road trip by myself through the south - Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana - and discovered the bayous with spanish moss, visited the Delta Blues Museum in Clarksdale, MI, made friends with some local girls in Oxford, MI, viewed the gulf coast from Mobile, AL, spent a week in New Orleans. It's a special place.
Due to a car accident, I had to cancel my show at the Smell with Magik Markers, Rose For Bohdan & Weirdo Begeirdo. I hope to be well enough to do a short set Sept. 16th at Il Corral and a show or two in the Bay Area in October. The Collaborations cdr won't be out until October.
In big news, Banned In DC is being published one last time (6th edition), through Cynthia Connolly's Sun Dog Propaganda. It will be available by October through Dischord, AK Press and Last Gasp. Decomposition will have a few copies for mailorder. In honor of this, I put a BMO interview online. Enjoy.
2005 tour photos added! I made a mistake and credited Carly Ptak with some Trebville Exchange photos that I think Jenny from Metalux took. So that's been changed. Take a look at some amazing photos at Carly's photoblog.
Warbler photos added!
Collaborations CDR featuring Chuck Bettis, Sharon Cheslow, Eva Inca Ore, Jerry Lim, Gabriel Mindel Saloman, Carly Ptak, Peter Swanson, and Kris Thompson will be out SOON on Decomposition/Collective Jyrk.
Eva Inca Ore's CDR, Brute Nature vs. Wild Magic, on Collective Jyrk is a stunning release of experimental vocal collage. Eva was in Alarmist and you can find her guest vocals on Wives' Erect the Youth Problem. Write to Eva for more info.
Ed Chang wrote to say he still has Ring Steppers CDs for sale on his label Quodlibet. It's an amazing recording, so if you don't have it already you should get it. Info is here.
Kill Rock Stars Video Fanzine III DVD is out July 12th with Sharon Cheslow's "September Son" video.
Los Angeles, CA show: Sharon Cheslow + David Scott Stone at Il Corral on July 13th (with Wives, Polar Goldie Cats, Open City, and maybe Rose For Bohdan).
Cynthia Connolly's photos from the Beautiful Losers show will be at the Contemporary Museum in
Baltimore, MD, in the "Photo and Video" section August 5th-September 3rd.