IF THIS GOES ON (1982-83)
Band interviews, live reviews, record reviews, scene updates, fiction, art, photos, collages, comics
Bethesda, MD / Washington, DC
Published & Edited by Sharon Cheslow and Colin Sears
Contributing Writers: Sharon Cheslow, Colin Sears, Anne Bonafede, Chris Niblack, Kevin Mattson, John Stabb, Jeff Turner (aka Geoff Turner), Ron Stewart (aka Rupert Wondolowski), Eric Anderson, Roger Marbury
Contributing Photographers: Sharon Cheslow, Leslie Clague
If This Goes On is archived at University of Maryland's D.C. Punk and Indie Fanzine Collection. They have a print copy of #2 and digital copies of #1, #2, and #3. In addition, DC Public Library has digital copies of #1 and #3 online through DC Punk Archive's Kevin Mattson Collection.
Issue #3 (June 1983)
Cover drawing by Colin Sears.
This issue included a Minor Threat interview by Sharon and Colin, and also interviews with Sort Sol, Raincoats, and Lucky Pierre.

Ana da Silva (Raincoats), 9:30 Club
photo by Sharon Cheslow, 1983
Issue #2 (December 1982)
Cover drawing by Colin Sears.
This issue included a Double-O interview by Sharon and Colin, and an Iron Cross interview by Sharon. It also included an interview with Neighbors Children.
Please note: As part of this Iron Cross interview, they were confronted about some of their band members sieg heiling Government Issue at a Wilson Center show.
Issue #1 (August 1982)
This issue included a Hate From Ignorance interview by Colin.
WGNS Timeclock Equals Hole In Head cassette release info in If This Goes On #3:
Bloody Mannequin Orchestra, Chalk Circle, Fungus of Terror, Blue Cross