You can now buy the Interrobang?! Anthology on Music and Family book either here through Decomposition or any of the following:
Amoeba (6400 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA)
Dischord Direct (Washington, DC)
Family (436 N. Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA)
Kill Rock Stars Mailorder (Olympia, WA)
Ooga Booga (943 N. Broadway #203, Los Angeles, CA)
Skylight Books (1814 N. Vermont, Los Angeles, CA)
Zum (Berkeley, CA)
If you don't see it available on their sites, just ask. It will also soon be available through Amazon.com.
Buy the new paperback book!
Read the free e-book pdf! (4MB)
JULY 2008
Interrobang?! Anthology on Music and Family is ready to go! Issue #5 will be published as a print-on-demand book and as a pdf.
ORDER THE BOOK NOW. The pdf will be available July 31st.
JUNE 2008
Interrobang?! Anthology on Music and Family is almost finished! It will be the first book published by Decomposition. It's edited by Sharon Cheslow, with assistance from Sara Jaffe, and should be out July 25th. The contributions reflect on the impact of family on music or of music on family from personal and critical perspectives. Many pieces are short memoirs. The writings and interviews include:
Liz Alibi (creative writing)
Erika Anderson (creative writing/memoir about her mother)
Bill Berkson (creative writing/memoir)
Sharon Cheslow (interview with her mother, E. Cheslow, on E.'s experiences in L.A. and D.C. with the American folk music revival)
Cynthia Connolly (interview with her mother, Vera Connolly, on Vera's experiences with jazz in L.A. and D.C.)
Alan Licht (poem)
Ian MacKaye (discussion about his family with Sharon Cheslow)
Kevin Mattson on music & family as son & father (creative writing/memoir)
Pauline Oliveros and her mother Edith by Shaila Dewan (article)
Anna Oxygen (creative writing/memoir on her grandmother)
Janet Sarbanes (critical writing/essay on John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band's "My Mummy's Dead")
Jean Smith (creative writing/memoir)
Matthew Wascovich (poem)
Sara Wintz (poem)