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Tsunami Apostrophe
December 9, 2023

It came without much warning, so overwhelming we didn't know what to think at first. The tide came in, the waves became much higher, and people didn't know what to do. Most were able to run quickly to safe ground. Those that didn't drowned. The seagulls swooped in with a mission to scope out the situation. Crows flew in too. Then vultures circled over the corpses.

It came without much warning, so overwhelming we didn't know what to think at first. The sky darkened with locusts, followed by more vultures. Swirling overhead they eyed their prey.

It came without much warning, so overwhelming we didn't know what to think at first. We flew in as doves carrying olive branches in our beaks. We had difficulty evading the vultures.

It came without much warning, so overwhelming we didn't know what to think at first. And then someone yelled, "The tsunami's here!" It quickly overtook the land. The waves were so high, they even quickly overtook any form of life flying close to the water.

Can't don't
Shouldn't wouldn't
The tsunami's waves couldn't and didn't heed any words, and yet the doves' olive branches eventually brought peace to the land.

  © Sharon Cheslow 2022